Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Will There Be Progress On US Border Security?

Yesterday (January 28, 2013), members of the Senate announced an immigration reform plan that was constructed by and supported by a clearly bipartisan group.  That is a major milestone in a debate that has divided our nation for decades.

There are many among my conservative fellows who are intransigent and, to my way of thinking, irrational in their desires regarding the specific details of a solution to the problem of illegal immigrants in the US.  Many will be dissatisfied with the plan outlined by the Senate “gang of eight” yesterday, primarily because they will be unsatisfied with anything short of a plan to locate and deport every person who is in this country illegally. 

I have arrived at the conclusion that a plan to deport every single illegal alien in this country is at the very least impractical.  Put aside the legitimate point that every illegal immigrant in the country is by definition a criminal, having broken US law the moment that they set foot in this country.  We could discuss at great length the relative weight of that crime in the spectrum of criminal activity in the US, as we have discussed it at great length for many years.  For the moment, I want to put that debate in perspective with a little bit of simple math.  As of today, the population of the United States is slightly in excess of 315 million.  In all of the discussions of illegal immigrants, it is estimated that approximately 11 million of those people are in the country illegally.  Some suggest it is much higher, but those numbers would just make my point all the more clear.  A little simple math reveals that 3.5 of every 100 residents of the United States of America are here illegally.  Deporting 3.5% of our population is not a practical solution.

To put the numbers in perspective, deporting all of the illegal immigrants in the country would be equivalent to deporting the entire population of Ohio.  Or, to use the example of less populous states, it would be like deporting the entire populations of eleven states and the District of Columbia:  Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, the District of Columbia, Vermont, and Wyoming. 

With those numbers in mind, it becomes clear that deportation is not the solution.  Some plan of assimilation must be found and established as law. 

As major as the problem presented by sheer numbers is, the fiscal implications of any proposal are far greater.  However, that is a not the topic of this post.

It is too early to jump on the bandwagon either for or against the Senate proposal.  We haven’t seen the proposed legislation.  But it is still a positive step that there is a truly bipartisan plan under consideration.  What we do know is that the first step in the plan outlined yesterday is to secure our borders.  It would appear that a significant majority of Americans agree on that first step.  Any other proposed steps toward immigration reform are meaningless if there is no border security.

A parting thought on border security: 
When we talk of border security, almost everyone immediately thinks of our border with Mexico.  That border is 1,951 miles long and is manned by approximately 11,000 border patrol agents.  Allowing for administrative personnel and off-duty personnel, there would be less than 2,000 agents on duty at any point in time – with many of them operating well inside the border, rather than on the border.  Contrast that with our border with Canada.  Our border with Canada is almost 4,000 miles long, with approximately 1,000 agents assigned to enforcement at that border.  Making the same allowance for administrative and off-duty personnel, that would leave less than 250 agents on duty to enforce border security on a 4,000 mile border.  Fortunately, on that border we also have an effective Canadian force (the RCMP) dedicated to border security on their side of the border.  A consistently overlooked “border” of the US is represented by the waters surrounding Florida.  I will pretty much overlook it at this time, too, although I know it deserves far more attention.

With that information in mind, which border might present more danger to the US?  More on that in a later post.

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