Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu - Hype or Genuine Crisis?

Swine flu is all over the news - based on about 65 cases confirmed around the country. Is all of the talk just a function of having a flock of cable news networks that have to fill up 24 hours of air time every day? Or is it the result of a genuine crisis that should concern us all?

I don't have an answer, and the result of my listening to a lot of talk about this topic is that I'm convinced no one else knows for sure right now.

An announcement that I heard within the last half hour might change the tone of the discussion. Up until now, only one of the confirmed swine flu cases in the US resulted in a hospital stay, and that was only for a few hours. I now hear (and it is unconfirmed at this point in time) that two people in California are thought to have died from swine flu.

From what I have heard about the disease and its course, within 7 to 10 days, the swine flu will be a quickly fading memory or it will all that we are talking about. No one knows which one - yet.

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