Friday, August 7, 2015

Why Is Donald Trump Leading the Pack of GOP Candidates?

Donald Trump has been leading the pack of GOP candidates, and an immediate change is not likely following last night's debate. If you haven’t asked yourself why, you certainly should.
Is it because of his reasoned approach to the issues our nations face?
Absolutely not. Deeply considered reasoned approaches are not what Donald Trump brings to the table. Please understand – I like many of the bombastic statements he makes. I completely agree with many of them. And I’m glad he is making them because he has forced discussions that many politicians want to avoid. As he said in last night’s debate, “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be talking about illegal immigration.” But Trump’s comments, though they elicit a visceral response of agreement, have no substance. They are the same superficial responses that most of us make when confronted with something disagreeable. Perhaps true, but made with no thought to how the desired goal could be accomplished.
If one or more other GOP candidates would stand up and speak out unambiguously about issues like the threat of illegal immigration, the absolute need for border security, and the threat to our very culture posed by political correctness – and do so while convincing the voters that we can actually count on them to fight to force action on those issues – Trump’s popularity would soon wane. He only holds the spotlight while he is the only one clearly speaking to these issues that resonate so well with conservative voters.
You have to ask yourself, does Donald Trump really have the character and the temperament that we need to see in the President of the United States?
I came away from the debates last night with a greater level of hope for the outcome of the 2016 election than I’ve had for years. I won’t bother to name my choices, because my personal choice really doesn’t matter in this conversation, but from the field of 17 hopefuls, there are at least a half dozen that present real hope for the 2016 election and for the future of America.
Donald Trump is not among them.

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